29 Jun 2018 Live Like a LocalEver wonder what the locals that live in the Adirondacks year-round check out for some fun? Get the inside scoop in the article below! Check it out: 1. Enchanted Forest Water Safari Yes, it is not just a tourist destination – even the locals come here too! It has been a tradition for many localsContinue reading →
05 Apr 2018 Stepping AwayAfter a long and cold winter springtime is finally here. This is your chance to escape from your everyday stresses to enjoy a relaxing stay at Water’s Edge Inn. With the hustle and bustle of summertime quickly approaching, now is the time for your vacation. A combination of the warm weather and the tranquility ofContinue reading →
20 Nov 2017 Top Winter Camping HacksWinter is the time of year most families retreat indoors and say goodbye to the endless adventures of the outdoors. Camping gear is packed away and not thought of again until next spring. But what if all that could change? Winter camping is an exciting way to enjoy the outdoors, even in those cold months.Continue reading →
17 Sep 2017 Top 5 Reasons to Camp in Old Forge [this Fall!]Although it’s sad for most to see the summer months say goodbye, the start of school and chillier weather tells us that fall has finally arrived! Now, camping during ANY season is an amazing time, but fall camping presents some unique activities and scenery that we just can’t get the rest of the year. We’llContinue reading →
10 Sep 2017 Hunting in the AdirondacksWhile fall in the Adirondacks is synonymous with brilliant foliage, the autumn months also mean hunting season. Hunting is permitted on all state lands, giving hunters a considerable amount of geography for their sport. Be considerate of private lands and, as always, exercise safety and caution. Fall Hunting Seasons Bow Hunting Season Archery season forContinue reading →
12 Sep 2017 Autumn in the Adirondacks- The Best Places to Leaf-Peep As Fall bursts into the annual colorful display of reds, purples and yellows and the season give way to cooler air and crisp blue skies, the Adirondack Region boasts one of the finest fall foliage seasons. The region is rich in history, offers a variety of vistas and tempting dining options, which are uniquelyContinue reading →
12 Jun 2017 Hiking SnacksHiking is a great pastime. It gets you out in the fresh air and gives you plenty of exercise. It makes you appreciate nature, it makes you healthier, and it makes you hungry. Because none of the 2,558 miles of wilderness trails throughout the Adirondacks feature restaurants or snack bars, it is probably wise to bring someContinue reading →